Benefits of Meditation
“Although meditation was not originally intended to treat psychological problems, in modern times it has show promise in treating some, particularly depression and anxiety disorders. In a meta-analysis of 47 studies on the application of meditation methods to treat patients with mental health problems, the results show that meditation can lead to a decrease in depression (particularly severe depression), anxiety, and pain – almost as much as medication, but without the side effects. Meditation can also, to a lesser extent, reduce the suffering from psychological stress.”
Excerpt from the book “The Science of Meditation”, Chapter 10. Meditation as Psychotherapy.
About the authors:
• Daniel Goleman: ph.D. He is the author of the bestseller Emotional Intelligence, considered one of the 25 most influential books in the business field by Time magazine. A psychologist graduated from Harvard University, he wrote for the New York Times for 12 years.
• Richard L. Davidson: ph.D. in Psychology from Harvard University, is a research professor of psychology and psychiatry, and director of the Functional Imaging and Behavior Laboratory and the Affective Neuroscience Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin. He has published more than 320 articles and is the author of the best-selling book The Emotional Style of the Brain.
The iMeditation
iMeditation was launched in December 2018 in an exclusive app format, available for both iOS/Apple and Android. As it is today, it used Portuguese versions for an exclusive audience in Brazil and an English version for users in several other countries.
Since its launch, we have always explored the resources of virtual reality to create an introspective and welcoming atmosphere, even for users who only use their cell phones and do not have any specific resources such as a headset (virtual reality glasses).
We believe that practicing meditation requires a ritual, after all, it is that time of day when you think: “Now is my time”. And for this to happen more effectively, you also need “your space”. Therefore, using your cell phone with a headset and being immediately transported to an exclusive, isolated and peaceful place is liberating!
And why doesn’t iMeditation have an exclusive app anymore? In short, for two reasons:
The first is that the constant updates to the manufacturers’ software affected our operating codes (especially in virtual reality), making the app inoperable or partially functional until an update.
The second is that given the quality of the images and audio, the app was not exactly light, which consumed internal space on devices and was frequently complained about by users and App Stores.